🌴 Beautiful Land for Sale in Chi Phat, Koh Kong Province! 🌴


  • Ad ID : 10775544
  • Category : Land for Sale
  • Locations : Koh Kong
  • Posted :


  • Size(m2):3900

🌴 Beautiful Land for Sale in Chi Phat, Koh Kong Province! 🌴

✨ Offering a fantastic opportunity for a small resort, camping ground, or fruit plantation, this 4000sqm land is a dream investment for nature lovers and entrepreneurs. Located just 100m away from the magnificent Ormalu Waterfall and river, you'll have a breathtaking view right at your doorstep.

🌳 With its lush surroundings and fertile soil, this land is perfect for planting Durian or other trees, providing you with a potential source of income in the future. As a bonus, the area is booming with development, with big resorts set to be built nearby. The new road to Areng City ensures easy accessibility, making this location even more desirable.

πŸ“ Key features:
- Size: 4000sqm
- Ideal for a small resort, camping ground, or fruit plantation
- Located just 100m from Ormalu Waterfall and river
- Potential for planting Durian or other trees
- Close proximity to upcoming big resorts
- Easy access with the new road to Areng City

πŸ’° Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of paradise in Chi Phat, Koh Kong Province. Contact us now to arrange a site visit or for more information. Act fast, as this gem won't be available for long!

πŸ“ž Contact: 0972878xxx αž…αž»αž…αžŠαžΎαž˜αŸ’αž”αžΈαžαŸ/Click To Call
🌐 Find us on Telegram: 0972878xxx αž…αž»αž…αžŠαžΎαž˜αŸ’αž”αžΈαžαŸ/Click To Call

🏞️ Embrace nature and make your dreams come true with this remarkable land! πŸŒΏπŸ’«

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