πŸ”₯ SAMSUNG EVO Select Plus Micro SD Memory Card + Adapter, 256GB


  • Ad ID : 4506880
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  • Accesory Types:Memory Cards
  • Condition:New

Samsung MicroSD Card Original 100% from Samsung Company .
αž”αŸ’αžšαž—αŸαž‘ EVO Select Memory Card
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βœ“Authentication Available (Samsung_Card-UFD_Authentication_Utility)
βœ“Made In Korea and Philippines

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- Samsung Evo Select U3 SDXC Class 10 256GB ($39)
- Read : up to 130MB/s
- Write : Lower than Read Speed*
- Class: U3, V30, A2

*EVO Select 256GB U3 Class10 speed == Max Read speed to 133MB/s

Features & details
-Ideal for Recording 4K UHD Video: Samsung MicroSD Evo Is Perfect for High Res Photos, Gaming, Music, Tablets, Laptops, Action Cameras, DSLR’s, Drones, Smartphones (Galaxy Note20 ultra, S20, S20+,S20 ultra, S10, S10+, S10e, S9, S9+, Note9, S8, S8+, Note8, S7, S7 Edge, etc.), Android Devices and more

-Extended Compatibility: Includes full size Adapter for use in Cameras, Laptops and Desktop Computers

-2 Year Limited Warranty: 2 Year Limited Warranty Does Not Extend to Dashcam, CCTV, Surveillance Camera and Other Write-Intensive Uses; Warranty for SD Adapter Is Limited to 1 Year

-Toolkit (Samsung_Card-UFD_Authentication_Utility)
: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (32bit, 64bit)
http://org.downloadcenter.samsung.com/downloadfile/ContentsFile.aspx?CDSite=UNI_CN&CttFileID=7213072&CDCttType=SW&ModelType=N&ModelName=MB-MJ32G&VPath=SW/201902/20190xxx αž…αž»αž…αžŠαžΎαž˜αŸ’αž”αžΈαžαŸ/Click To Call141146xxx αž…αž»αž…αžŠαžΎαž˜αŸ’αž”αžΈαžαŸ/Click To Call/SMCA_Win_P00_RC04_20180402.exe&OriginYN=Y

Features & details

*IDEAL FOR RECORDING UHD VIDEO: Samsung microSD EVO Select is perfect for high res photos, gaming, music, tablets, laptops, action cameras, DSLR's, drones, smartphones (Galaxy S20 5G, S20+ 5G, S20 Ultra 5G, S10, S10+, S10e, S9, S9+, Note9, S8, S8+, Note8, S7, S7 Edge, etc. ), Android devices and more
Quick Look
SAMSUNG EVO Select Micro SD-Memory-Card + Adapter, 512GB microSDXC 130MB/s Full HD & 4K UHD, UHS-I, U3, A2, V30, Expanded Storage for Android Smartphones, Tablets, Nintendo-Switch

-ALL THE SPACE YOU NEED: Store lots of media on your phone with this micro SD memory card, load games on your Nintendo Switch and other devices, and download more apps on your tablet at top-notch speed.

-FAST AND SMOOTH: Superfast U3, class 10 rated transfer speeds of up to 130MB/sΒΉ,Β²and UHS-I Interface.

-EXPAND AND STORE BIG: The EVO Select card ranges from 64GB - 512GB, allowing you to record high-quality footage on your DJI drone, store it, and transfer it between devices.

-YOU’RE FULLY PROTECTED: EVO Plus takes on life’s adventures with water⁴, temperature⁡, X-ray⁢, ⁷magnet, drop⁸, and wears⁹ out protection. Backed by a 2-year limited warranty.

¹Speed and rating apply to 128GB, 256GB and 512GB cards. 64GB card is U1 rated, with transfer speeds of up to 130MB/s. ²Stated performance is achieved by using EVO Plus microSD cards with Samsung readers. ³Ratings apply to 128GB and 256GB cards. 32GB and 64GB card is A1, V10, UHS-I rated.⁴Water proof: withstand up to 72 hours in seawater. ⁡Temperature proof: operating temperatures of -25 C to 85 C; non-operating temperatures of -40 C to 85 C. ⁢X-Ray Proof: up to 100mGy, equal to airport X-ray machines. ⁷Magnetic-Proof up to 15,000 gauss, or the magnetic field equivalent of a high-field MRI. ⁸Drop: withstand drops up to 5meters (16.4 feet)⁹ Wearout: up to 10,000 swipes.

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